`Today, there will finally be a book review!

On a side note, I read an interesting post on the blog of Kristin Cashore the other day about reading like a writer, here’s the link: kristincashore.blogspot.com/2011/12/worlds-smallest-readingwriting-lesson.html  Okay. The book review now.

Title: The Westing Game

Author: Ellen Raskin

This is a really clever mystery with great, vivid characters that always seem to stay in character. The answer to the big puzzle in the story is that sort that seems like it should have been completely obvious, and still manages to be completely satisfying. If anything should be different, it’s that the beginning could have been more grabbing, but by the end of the first page, it gets interesting, so it’s not like one of those terrible stories that takes 102 pages to get going. Also, toward the conclusion, it gets a little confusing. On a better note, another thing I like is the epilogue, since I love the ones that go decades into the future, i.e. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

I think this book is probably good for ages 8-13, or maybe 7-13 if a 7-year old is fairly good at reading.

Bye! Happy New Year!